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The Myopulse LN (Facial) uses the most advanced technology available for anti-aging, non-surgical facial rejuvenation, cellulite stress, scar tissue, as well as pain management.

This medical modality is the most recent release of this advanced "therapeutic" technology in the treatment of pain control as well as a non surgical treatment of lines and wrinkles of the face and neck, stretch marks and scar tissue, and cellulite.

The model includes a combination of probes uniquely designed to treat the "micro muscles" of the face, neck and body, providing an ideal environment to tone muscles. As with all of the Acuscope/Myoscope/Myopulse and Neuroscope instruments there is an accelerated healing rate and the promotion of better health and wellness.

The Myopulse LN (Facial) instrument is an I/O controlled microcurrent device, specifically designed for an exacting treatment delivery which is required to control some of the more chronic and difficult pain, trauma and injury cases. In addition to a wide variety of connective tissue, and muscle problems.

This device has proven to improve the appearance of your skin by both preventing the many degenerating effects of aging, as well as reversing some of the damage already present. Fine lines, wrinkles and muscles that have atrophied over time show dramatic improvement with treatment from the Myopulse LN (Facial) system.

Improvements can be seen in a variety of skin related issues such as those acquired from acne, scars, discoloration, broken capillaries, bruising and swelling, not to mention, cellulite, stretch marks, post surgery capillaries, bruising and swelling, and even post surgery wound healing and infection.

The Myopulse LN (Facial) is one of the most advanced and safe technologies available resulting in the production of fast-growing medi-spas, anti-aging clinics as well as the cosmetic surgery market.

It is well known that stress and anxiety along with sleep deprivation can cause an early onset of skin related issues. One of the treatments available with the Myopulse LN (Facial) is a very advanced process which includes the treatment referred to as the, "cranial electrical stimulation" (CES). During treatment ear clips or a headband are placed on the client. In approximately 10 minutes the client is taken to a meditative state which helps to balance the circadian cycles. One these cycles are balanced cellular repair begins to happen just as should happen during sleep. Theses treatments stimulate the autonomic nervous system which is vital for chronic pain management and the accelerated healing.

The Channel 1 and expanded current and frequency features in Channel 2 are a unique combination that allow the practitioner more treatment control from the standpoint of patient assessment and screening resulting in a more complete range of therapy.

In addition the Myopulse LN (Facial) is equipped with Mode 2, which allows for two treatments modes per session. This energetic-medicine type treatment is very therapeutic and relaxing.

Cellulite and stretch marks are treated with the use of the cellulite roller and can be used for a total body energy massage as well as body sculpting. When it comes to restoring the circadian cycles both the Myopulse LN (Facial) as well as the Acuscope instruments are of the most highly advanced technology resulting in a successful way of treating stress, sleep and anxiety disorders.

For pain management, stress management, anxiety control and anti-aging treatments, there is simply no other technology as safe and advanced as the Myopulse LN (Facial).

Standard Accessories: Point specific trigger probe, indifferent point specific probe, 4 brass ball tips 1/4" & 3/8", 1 pair 1"x1" pads with wires, hand-held probe, interface bar/foot plate, coil cord, connecting cable, charging module, conductive electrolyte, Restoro brass polish and manual.

Optional Specialty Facial Accessories: Soft tissue probe w 4 tips (for acne and fine lines), Y probe with 4 ball tips, twin probe w spring ball tips (for treatment around eyes and mouth), transcranial ear clips, conductive facial electrolytes and creams.

Additional Optional Accessories: cellulite/stretch mark roller, mini chrome roller and grand ball probe.

To Order Call, Fax or Email Progressive Therapy Systems
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Copyright © Joyce Jackson 2002 - Present. All rights reserved.
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